Friday, 31 July 2015


WALT: connect sience related words together.
This is my sience work, we first got this piece of paper that had the octagons on them, then we cut them out and put them together is they have something in common to do with sience. Then we stuck them into our book. This was an activity that the teachers gave us so they know what we know about sience.

New math goal

WALT: Explain the meaning of negative numbers.
This is my new maths goal I chose for term 3. My asstle test result said I have to work on this because this is one of my weak points in math, so I chose it so I can work on it to get better at math.

New writing goal

WALT: Use advanced punctuation in my writing.
This is my punctuation goal I need to work on. There were 3 punctuation goals to chose from, I chose this one because it is something I need to work on.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

New Reading goal

WALT: Find the meaning/s of unfamiliar words.(Vocabulary)
This is my new term 3 goal for reading goal I need to work on, this is my goal because it is my weak point. I am working on it to become better at reading.