Friday 12 June 2015

Merit evidence: Kapa Haka

Friday 12th June 2015
Can Do

Today after my class's Te Reo lesson in the hall, the people who did Kapa Haka(Maori dance) which included me, stayed behind in the hall. We got into our lines, then Matua(Teacher) Rihari told us to stand up where we were, he told us we're going to sing He Honore. Once we sung the song Mrs Baker told the boys to get on the stage to get into our performance lines, after everyone got into their lines we prepared to sing Whakate hoe which is one of the song I can't remember, we started singing and the teachers stopped us few times to correct us with something. after a few more practices with our eyes closed I FINALLY remembered some of the song better. When we finished practicing the song the teachers talked to each other quietly. I had thought we had to improve something. But the teachers started handing out lollypops to the boys. Unfortunately the teachers ran out of lollypops so they said they will hand them out next week to the girls.

When I got the lollypop, and said thank you I hoped off the stage and then went to put on my shoes. When I walked out of the hall I had a big grin on my face because I guess all the singing really paid of! This was probably the best session of Kapa Haka. 

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